Teeth in a Day Have Saved Smiles | Chicago Dentist

In our never-ending quest to achieve the perfect smile, we are left with lots of options. Whitening, veneers and other dental procedures can not only improve the aesthetic look of your teeth but can also improve your dental health as well. But when we need to have teeth replaced, it can be a daunting task. Not only does it take multiple visits, but it can be a painful experience from surgery to recovery. If you have dentures, there is an adjustment period. If you have traditional implants, the teeth need to be created in a lab and your mouth needs to be prepared to have the implants inserted. Because of this, many patients do not take the proper care needed and this leads to further dental, speech and self-esteem issues.

With implants in a day, your smile makeover is quicker as the temporary teeth are delivered the same day and the finals usually in six months. The implants use all of the available bone to increase the sturdiness and strength, ensuring that the implant will fuse to the bone enough to last a lifetime. In addition, there is a convenience factor. Your team consists of the periodontal surgeon, your dentist and the laboratory. All assembled at the periodontist’s office. Once the periodontist places your implants, your dentist and laboratory take over to make your new teeth.

Another reason that implants in a day is a fantastic option is the recovery time. With traditional implants, recovery takes time and there are lots of lifestyle changes you need to adjust to – dietary changes, dental hygiene changes, follow-up appointments, etc. With implants in a day, because the procedure is completed in a single visit, changes in your diet won’t last long, recovery is only about three months, and you don’t have to deal with maintenance issues like you would with traditional implants or dentures. Of course, not everyone is a candidate for this wonderful technology. In conjunction with your dentist, your periodontal surgeon will complete extensive diagnostic information before recommending the most appropriate option for your particular situation.

If you would like more information about dental implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Are Teeth in a Day Possible? | Chicago Dentist

When we have a flawed smile, it causes all sorts of other issues from self-esteem to health issues from the missing teeth. So, off we go to the dentist to find out how our smile can be repaired. Because believe it or not, you can get your grin fixed in a single day. Don’t believe it? May we introduce you to All-on-4 implants in a day. Although this form of treatment has received a significant amount of media attention in the past couple of years, this is a service we have been providing to our patients for some time.

Not sure you are eligible? There are generally two areas where this treatment is an option:

In certain patients with a front tooth that needs to be extracted and there is sufficient bone, the periodontist will remove the tooth and place a temporary implant on the same day. For individuals who are losing all of their teeth, we do a procedure called all on 4 (AO4). Not only is your replacement created in-office, but in six months later, you have the permanent appliance.

Once the periodontist places the implants (4-6 depending on the patient), there are precautions that the patient must take during the initial period to avoid biting on anything hard.

One thing that is not mentioned in the advertising is that in all instances, the immediate teeth are temporary and further work will be required 6 months later to ensure everything is working properly. In addition, the appliances must be kept clean to prevent the tissues from getting infected. The follow up cleaning appointments are typically alternated between the periodontist and the patient’s general dentist.

If you would like more information about All-on-4, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.