Getting a New Smile in a Single Day | Chicago Dentist

As we embark on a brand-new year, many of us sit down and reflect on things they’d like to improve upon. For some, it’s fitness. For others, it’s a lifestyle improvement. If you have a flawed smile, you may want to consider cosmetic dentistry. Believe it or not, you can get your grin fixed in a single day. Don’t believe it? May we introduce you to All-on-4 implants in a day. Although this form of treatment has received a significant amount of media attention in the past couple of years, this is a service we have been providing to our patients for some time.

Not sure you are eligible? There are generally two areas where this treatment is an option:

In certain patients with a front tooth that needs to be extracted and there is sufficient bone, the periodontist will remove the tooth and place a temporary implant on the same day. For individuals who are losing all of their teeth, we do a procedure called all on 4 (AO4). Not only is your replacement created in-office, but in six months later, you have the permanent appliance.

Once the periodontist places the implants (4-6 depending on the patient), there are precautions that the patient must take during the initial period to avoid biting on anything hard.

One thing that is not mentioned in the advertising is that in all instances, the immediate teeth are temporary and further work will be required 6 months later to ensure everything is working properly. In addition, the appliances must be kept clean to prevent the tissues from getting infected. The follow up cleaning appointments are typically alternated between the periodontist and the patient’s general dentist.

If you would like more information about all-on-4 implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Peter O. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

The Aftercare of Dental Implants | Chicago Dentist

Getting dental implants can be a nervous time for a patient, but with implants-in-a-day, a patient can have their flawed smile fixed in a single dental visit. Not only is it quick, but the results look natural and feel comfortable.

But once you leave the dental chair, what should you expect? After all, getting a new smile in a single visit must hurt. Quite the contrary – because dental anxiety is a real condition, the patient’s comfort comes into the design of these procedures. However, there is a healing process that will take about 3-6 months, or until the implant fuses to the bone (integration). So, how do you cope during this healing time? Here are some tips:

Physical symptoms. Prepare for some bleeding and swelling for the next 24-48 hours. Gauze will help with the bleeding; bite down on a gauze pad for about thirty minutes. If swelling occurs, ice packs will help to reduce it. Keep something cold on the affected area until the swelling goes down. Warm saltwater rinses are also great to reducing swelling. If you experience any pain, taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen will help the transition as the anesthetic wears off.

Diet. This one will be tricky for a while. The first day, limit your food to liquids and soft textures. As it becomes easier to eat, you can slowly move to your regular diet. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Moving around. You may think you won’t need downtime, but that’s not true. Oral surgery is just like any surgery – relax and focus on the healing process. Too much activity may cause bleeding or throbbing in the area.

If you would like more information about dental implant aftercare, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Peter O. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Dental Implants Can Replace Your Dentures | Chicago Dentist

It’s inevitable. As we progress in age, it is possible that many of us will require dentures, especially when we don’t practice good dental hygiene. Like they always say, “You don’t need to take care of all of your teeth, just the ones you want to keep.”

If you find that you are on the side of needing dentures, please realize that you may find that wearing dentures to be cumbersome, as they tend to need a lot of maintenance and have a tendency to shift around inside the mouth. This ill-fitting fix to our dental issues not only leads to discomfort and soreness but can even affect our self-confidence.

Thankfully, implantology has progressed to the point that denture issues are a thing of the past. Now dentures can be attached to the mouth with dental implants. During this surgery, your periodontist will place dental implants that vary in size depending on your anatomy. Patients can function well with two implants on the lower while more implants are typically needed on the upper as the bone is softer. This is especially beneficial to those that have difficulty wearing dentures due to their sensitive gag reflex. Upper implants allow the roof of the denture to be removed because it is fixed to the upper jaw.

Now for the advantages – not only will wearing dentures become a whole lot less cumbersome, but this procedure is affordable and minimally invasive. For best and long-lasting results, the surgery is performed by a well-trained surgical specialist, the periodontist in collaboration with your dentist.

If you are considering dentures to improve your smile, discuss your options with your periodontist. You could be the perfect candidate for implants.

If you would like more information about dental implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Peter O. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

When It Is Time to See a Periodontist | Chicago Dentist

While you have a great chance of developing gum disease at some point in your life, there are times when you need to seek out the help of a specialist. A periodontist is a dentist specializing in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infections and diseases in the soft tissues surrounding the teeth, and the jawbone. If you experience any of these signs and symptoms, it is important that you schedule an appointment with a periodontist without delay:

  • Bleeding while eating or brushing
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth and gum recession
  • Gangrene in the tissues
  • Related health conditions

Before initiating any dental treatment, the periodontist will conduct an examination of the gums, jawbone and general condition of the teeth. Once diagnosed, the periodontist has a number of surgical and non-surgical options available to treat the underlying infection, and together you will come up with a treatment plan to repair any damage that has or may happen in the future.

Gingivitis/mild periodontal disease. When the gum pockets are large, the periodontist or hygienist may perform scaling and root planing to remove debris from the pockets and allow them to heal

Moderate periodontal disease. Larger gum pockets require a more extensive scaling and root planning cleaning might be required and will be performed under local anesthetic.

Advanced periodontal disease. When gum pockets are accompanied by bone loss and gum recession, scaling and root planning will always be performed as the initial nonsurgical treatment and may require surgical treatment to reduce pocket depth.

Tooth loss. Where one or several teeth are missing due to periodontal disease, dental implants are an effective option if the bone is strong enough. However, bone grafts may be performed by the periodontist to provide a suitable anchor for the new tooth/teeth.

If you would like more information about gum disease, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Peter O. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

All Is Not Lost for Lost Teeth | Chicago Dentist

Because our smile is the first thing a stranger sees upon meeting us, it is a real bummer when we have a tooth that has become rotted, broken or lost. It becomes an issue, not only socially, but it can also cause issues speaking and other daily activities. To be fair, it doesn’t matter how you lost your teeth, the important issue is getting it fixed as soon as possible in order to deflect any further dental issues, like an increased risk for gum disease, malocclusions, jaw pain, etc. But how does a flawed tooth get repaired? There are actually quite a few options, depending on your individual set of circumstances. Here’s a quick review:

Dental implants. Because they’re surgically implanted, dental implants offer a long-term and durable solution to those who have a few missing teeth. The typical process of getting an implant involves three stages that take place over several weeks and even months. The implant is surgically buried, the implant is checked for proper integration and the dentist installs the prosthetic tooth with new teeth.

Bridges. Dental bridges are, basically, dental appliances used to bridge the gap left by missing teeth by relying on the adjacent teeth for support. The effect on the adjacent teeth is something worth taking note of if you plan to get a dental bridge to replace your missing teeth.

Dentures. For those who are missing more than a couple of teeth, dentures may be your only hope. Dentures are removable appliances with artificial teeth and come in as partial dentures and full dentures.

If you would like more information about options for missing teeth, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Peter O. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Tis the Season for Festive Sweets | Chicago Dentist

When it comes to indulging in holiday treats, what is your favorite go-to? Are you a chocoholic? Is it a stick of gum or a chewy gumdrop? Do you prefer a candy cane instead? Since sweet confections are in abundance during the holidays, let’s take a look at which candy is best:

Chocolate. There is hope for all chocolate fans out there – chocolate is actually a great option if you are looking for a bit of sweet. Not only does it have health benefits included in its design, but chocolate is easy to clean off your teeth, making it more difficult for cavity-causing bacteria to thrive.

Caramel. If sticky candy is your favorite, you should be aware that your mouth may not share the same sentiment. Not only does the sticky texture that make up your favorite caramels stick to your teeth’s surface and deep into your teeth’s grooves, but if you have dental work done, it could damage them.

Hard candy. Who doesn’t love a candy cane? If you have a habit of biting these colorful candies, they can wreak havoc on your teeth and any dental work you may have. But if you tend to suck on them, you allow for the sugars to linger around in your mouth, giving those cavity creeps plenty of time to find the perfect hiding spot in your mouth.

Candy is a fun way to enjoy a bit of sugar when you crave a sugar fix but may not be the best option for your dental health. Enjoy them in moderation and make sure to brush or rinse afterwards.

If you would like more information about holiday sweets, call Dr. Peter O. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Diabetes Can Affect Your Smile | Chicago Dentist

Diabetes is a disease that affects more and more people every day. Not only with your overall health, but not taking care of your diabetes can also affect your mouth. Because diabetes revolves around your blood sugar levels, it can also affect the way your gums get infected, the bones that hold your teeth in place, and many other oral health issues. Just a couple more reasons to make sure you take care of yourself when living with diabetes. Here are a few oral health tips you can do to prevent future dental emergencies:

Diabetes first. Since you have now been diagnosed, it is important you make the necessary lifestyle changes in order to maintain a consistent level of health. Keep your blood levels in check, eat healthy and make sure to exercise regularly. Healthy body, healthy smile.

Don’t smoke. It’s already bad for your health, but cigarettes and cigars also contribute to dry mouth, gum disease, and tooth decay. Keep the tobacco out of your mouth and look forward to less instances of these issues arising.

Dental implants care. You may not think of it an important but if you have dental implants, you should spend extra attention to your cleaning techniques because it could cause potential problems. If you wear a full or partial denture, clean it thoroughly each day to reduce bacteria.

Oral hygiene. Of course, don’t forget your dental hygiene altogether. Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft toothbrush, use an antibacterial mouthwash, floss correctly once a day and see your dentist for regular checkups.

If you would like more information about diabetes, call Dr. Peter O. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Get the Smile You’ve Always Wanted with All on Four Smiles | Chicago Dentist

While a beautiful set of pearly whites is definitely on top of most people’s wishes, it’s not always possible for them to have it. One good reason for this is because how expensive the necessary dental treatments and procedure are to get that picture-perfect smile.

An all on four smile is made from high-tech dental resins that allows it to cover either the entire lower or upper arch of your mouth, immediately disguising common aesthetic dental problems such as stains, chips, crowding, missing teeth and so on.

The material used is durable, but also thin and is made to look exactly like natural teeth. You can also eat and drink while wearing the appliance. All on four smiles offer a very affordable cosmetic solution that can last for a year or two before being replaced and one that patients can wear as needed while they save up for a more permanent solution.

  • Virtually painless and fast process that requires only two short visits and as little as two to three
  • weeks
  • A more affordable solution compared to other cosmetic dentistry treatments
  • Almost everyone is a suitable candidate
  • A good alternative for those who can’t be fitted with implants or bridges
  • A more comfortable and attractive alternative for those who don’t like partial dentures
  • The process is reversible as nothing is changed and the appliance can be removed at any time

Still, all on four smiles are a great way for you to test out a new smile before fully committing to a more expensive, permanent cosmetic solution as veneer, laser whitening treatments or Invisalign.

If you would like more information about all on four implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Teeth in a Day Have Saved Smiles | Chicago Dentist

In our never-ending quest to achieve the perfect smile, we are left with lots of options. Whitening, veneers and other dental procedures can not only improve the aesthetic look of your teeth but can also improve your dental health as well. But when we need to have teeth replaced, it can be a daunting task. Not only does it take multiple visits, but it can be a painful experience from surgery to recovery. If you have dentures, there is an adjustment period. If you have traditional implants, the teeth need to be created in a lab and your mouth needs to be prepared to have the implants inserted. Because of this, many patients do not take the proper care needed and this leads to further dental, speech and self-esteem issues.

With implants in a day, your smile makeover is quicker as the temporary teeth are delivered the same day and the finals usually in six months. The implants use all of the available bone to increase the sturdiness and strength, ensuring that the implant will fuse to the bone enough to last a lifetime. In addition, there is a convenience factor. Your team consists of the periodontal surgeon, your dentist and the laboratory. All assembled at the periodontist’s office. Once the periodontist places your implants, your dentist and laboratory take over to make your new teeth.

Another reason that implants in a day is a fantastic option is the recovery time. With traditional implants, recovery takes time and there are lots of lifestyle changes you need to adjust to – dietary changes, dental hygiene changes, follow-up appointments, etc. With implants in a day, because the procedure is completed in a single visit, changes in your diet won’t last long, recovery is only about three months, and you don’t have to deal with maintenance issues like you would with traditional implants or dentures. Of course, not everyone is a candidate for this wonderful technology. In conjunction with your dentist, your periodontal surgeon will complete extensive diagnostic information before recommending the most appropriate option for your particular situation.

If you would like more information about dental implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Enhance Your Smile with Dental Implants: The Aftercare | Chicago Dentist

Last month we discussed the important advances the dental industry has made in order to create a cosmetic solution to a flawed smile. But while there are many options, depending on the issue, immediate implants/teeth-in-a-day options give a patient a comfortable, natural-looking smile, but it can be done in a single dental visit.

But once you leave the dental chair, what should you expect? After all, getting a new smile in a single visit must hurt. Quite the contrary – because dental anxiety is a real condition, the patient’s comfort comes into the design of these procedures. However, there is a healing process that will take about 3-6 months, or until the implant fuses to the bone (integration).

Physical symptoms. Prepare for some bleeding and swelling for the next 24-48 hours. Gauze will help with the bleeding; bite down on a gauze pad for about thirty minutes. If swelling occurs, ice packs will help to reduce it. Keep something cold on the affected area until the swelling goes down. Warm saltwater rinses are also great to reducing swelling. If you experience any pain, taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen will help the transition as the anesthetic wears off.

Diet. This one will be tricky for a while. The first day, limit your food to liquids and soft textures. As it becomes easier to eat, you can slowly move to your regular diet. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Moving around. You may think you won’t need downtime, but that’s not true. Oral surgery is just like any surgery – relax and focus on the healing process. Too much activity may cause bleeding or throbbing in the area.

If you would like more information about dental implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.