Soft Tissue Grafting When There Are No Teeth? | Chicago Dentist

Senior woman in the dental office smiling

The health and appearance of your gums are just as important for your beautiful smile as your teeth. They are said to be the frame around the photo, so maintaining them is vital if you want to show off your pearly whites with pride. We employ a method that allows us to enhance the appearance of your soft gum tissue while also performing a restoration.

Here is a real-world example of an effective soft tissue graft on a patient:

A 35-year-old patient was missing two teeth in the front of her mouth with an aging bridge she found unappealing. While her goal was to simply replace the bridge, a closer examination revealed how an unsightly indentation in the gum tissue is what had compromised the appearance of her bridge. Beyond replacing the bridge, we wanted to enhance her soft gum tissue as well, as it would work to improve her overall oral aesthetic.

Through the use of a minimally invasive tunneling procedure, we placed a collagen graft to build out the tissue and create the impression that a tooth was present. We saw the improvement immediately following surgery, and in the coming weeks, her big more closely mimicked the appearance of real teeth than an artificial solution. Rather than simply reconstructing the tissue, it was important for us to create the illusion that she had never lost her teeth in the first place.

If the appearance of your gums is affecting your smile and confidence, a soft tissue graft may be the solution you have been looking for. A soft tissue graft is minimally invasive, will improve the look of your gums, and allow you to embrace your gorgeous smile.

If you would like more information about soft tissue grafting, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Understanding Gingival Recession | Chicago Dentist

Young woman smiling with perfect dental health

We all do our best to care for our teeth and gums to maintain our oral health and beautiful smile. Yet, gingival recession (aka gum recession), carries a number of underlying factors that cannot be as easily recognized as the recession itself. Most people consider the aesthetic appearance of our smile when discussing recession, but by that point, it’s likely the underlying cause has gone untreated for a long time. Your dentist will assess your need for a gum graft and the probability of success after a graft against several factors such as how your teeth are moving and the rate of recession.

Here is an example of a patient’s experience with a tissue graft:

The patient is a 32-year-old female who does not like to smile because of her appearance when she smiles. When the lips are retracted, we get a better understanding of how much recession there is throughout her mouth. In 2005, we successfully reconstructed the tissue that had receded using a minimally invasive approach with connective tissue grafts. The patient did not wear her night guard as recommended to keep her teeth from shifting.

She returned 5 years later because of an increased recession occurring on the front right central incisor. All of the other areas had remained stable except for this tooth. On closer inspection, we get a better understanding of why the one tooth continued to recede. Without the protection of the appliance, the front tooth continued to shift out of the bone, causing the loss of the supporting bone and leading to loss of tissue.

If you find that you are dealing with gum recession, it is important to contact your Chicago dentist as soon as possible to treat this issue.

If you would like more information about gum recession, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Stop Receding Gums with a Tissue Graft | Chicago Dentist

There is little more deflating to your smile than receding gums. Not only does it change the look of your smile, but it can also cause your overall demeanor to change as well. We all want a great smile to show off. Unfortunately, it is a fact of life as we age. Worry not – there is a solution.

The goal of correcting gum recession is to rebuild the lost tissues, and where possible, cover the roots. It is important to fix this dental issue before more extreme issues, like infection or gum disease, arise. One of the earliest treatments published was the connective tissue graft introduced in the early 1990’s and can be seen in an article published by Dr. Cabrera in The Journal of the American Dental Association in 1995 titled The Connective Tissue Graft, and later reprinted in The Canadian Dental Journal.

But what does this treatment option entail? This procedure is essentially plastic surgery in the mouth. A very small opening is created either on the roof of the mouth or behind the last upper teeth. The tissue is then secured to the area of recession with small (slightly bigger than a human hair) sutures (stitches). In most cases, recovery is uneventful, requiring no more than over-the-counter medication.

This approach has been refined over the years. Today, we also employ a number of procedures classified as tunnels, which use very small incisions to accomplish the surgery. So, as you can see, there is no reason to hide your smile with receding gums – just need to consult with your dentist.

If you would like more information about connective tissue graft, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Peter O. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Soft Tissue Grafting When There Are No Teeth? | Chicago Dentist

Although most people concentrate on the teeth for an attractive, healthy smile, the appearance of the gums cannot be ignored. It has been said that the gums are the frame of the picture. You can have a nice picture, but an ugly frame will destroy the appearance. We will often use soft tissue to enhance the appearance of the tissue in conjunction with new restorations. The following case demonstrates one such example:

This case illustrates a 35-year old physician who was missing two teeth in the front and had a bridge placed many years ago. She did not like the appearance of the bridge and wanted to replace it. The before photos illustrate how an unsightly indentation in the gum tissue compromised the appearance of the bridge. In addition to replacing the bridge, we wanted to improve the appearance of the tissue in order to improve her “picture frame”. Utilizing minimally invasive tunneling procedures, a collagen graft was placed to build out the tissue and create an appearance that a tooth was present, but in actuality, it is missing. The improvement was seen immediately at the time of surgery, and after several weeks in a new temporary bridge, the result is even more apparent. As you can see, we have created the illusion that there are teeth present by simply reconstructing the tissue.


If you find that you have gums that are affecting your smile and self-confidence, soft tissue grafting may just be the solution you’ve been looking for. Not only will it improve the look of your gums, but will also give you a discreet way to bring back a reason to smile.

If you would like more information about soft tissue grafting, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Connective Tissue Grafting: What You Need to Know | Chicago Dentist

There is little more deflating to your smile than receding gums. Not only does it change the look of your smile, but it can also cause your overall demeanor to change as well. We all want a great smile to show off. Fortunately, there are solutions to this dental issue and it doesn’t have to be as invasive as it once was.

The goal of correcting gum recession is to rebuild the lost tissues and where possible, cover the roots. It is important to fix this dental issue before more extreme issues, like infection or gum disease, arise in the future. There are many procedures to accomplish this. One of the earliest treatments published was the connective tissue graft introduced in the early 1990’s, and can be seen in an article published by Dr. Cabrera in The Journal of the American Dental Association in 1995 titled The Connective Tissue Graft, and later reprinted in The Canadian Dental Journal.

But what does this treatment option entail? This procedure is essentially plastic surgery in the mouth. A very small opening is created either on the roof of the mouth or behind the last upper teeth. The tissue is then secured to the area of recession with small (slightly bigger than a human hair) sutures (stitches). In most cases, recovery is uneventful, requiring no more than over-the-counter medication.

This approach has been refined over the years. Today, we also employ a number of procedures classified as tunnels, which use very small incisions to accomplish the surgery. So as you can see, there is no reason to hide your smile with receding gums – visiting Dr. Cabrera can easily repair the look of your smile and the health of your gums.

If you would like more information about connective tissue grafting, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.