Enhance Your Smile with Dental Implants: The Aftercare | Chicago Dentist

Last month we discussed the important advances the dental industry has made in order to create a cosmetic solution to a flawed smile. But while there are many options, depending on the issue, immediate implants/teeth-in-a-day options give a patient a comfortable, natural-looking smile, but it can be done in a single dental visit.

But once you leave the dental chair, what should you expect? After all, getting a new smile in a single visit must hurt. Quite the contrary – because dental anxiety is a real condition, the patient’s comfort comes into the design of these procedures. However, there is a healing process that will take about 3-6 months, or until the implant fuses to the bone (integration).

Physical symptoms. Prepare for some bleeding and swelling for the next 24-48 hours. Gauze will help with the bleeding; bite down on a gauze pad for about thirty minutes. If swelling occurs, ice packs will help to reduce it. Keep something cold on the affected area until the swelling goes down. Warm saltwater rinses are also great to reducing swelling. If you experience any pain, taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen will help the transition as the anesthetic wears off.

Diet. This one will be tricky for a while. The first day, limit your food to liquids and soft textures. As it becomes easier to eat, you can slowly move to your regular diet. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Moving around. You may think you won’t need downtime, but that’s not true. Oral surgery is just like any surgery – relax and focus on the healing process. Too much activity may cause bleeding or throbbing in the area.

If you would like more information about dental implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Enhance Your Smile with Dental Implants | Chicago Dentist

Implant surgery may have been improving smiles for the past 60 years, but implant therapy has come a long way, becoming one of the greatest dental advances. Under specific situations, dental implants can be placed at the time that the tooth is extracted. And if the implant is placed in very firm bone, temporary crowns can be placed on the implant the same day.

Immediate implants are placed into two categories: single teeth or full mouth. Single tooth implants are those used to replace flawed teeth in the front of the mouth, or those people would see when you smile. Typically, this treatment option would be ideal when the cause is the result of trauma, where a tooth is fractured and cannot be restored. The full mouth option is ideal for patients with many failing teeth, or already have dentures.

As far as the process is concerned, it really is pretty straightforward. During your initial examination, your dental professional (periodontist) will take a three-dimensional scan of the injured jaw. This will tell us precisely how much bone is available for the placement of a secure implant. Once complete, a treatment plan will be discussed. During the surgery, the periodontist will remove the tooth and replace it with the implant (a root substitute). Typically, bone grafting is also performed at the same time. The patient then has a temporary tooth, or custom-made bridge, inserted.

When we have a flawed smile, we become self-conscious about showing it off. With these immediate dental implant/teeth-in-a-day options, we don’t need to worry about keeping our smile hidden for long. All it takes is one dental appointment.

If you would like more information about dental implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Dental Implants: The Cure for Shifting Dentures | Chicago Dentist

As we progress in age, it is possible that some may require dentures, especially if we don’t have good dental hygiene routines. There problem is that many find wearing dentures to be cumbersome, as they tend to need a lot of maintenance and have a tendency to shift around inside the mouth. This ill-fitting fix to our dental issues not only leads to discomfort and soreness but can even affect our self-confidence.

Thankfully, implantology has progressed to the point that denture issues are a thing of the past. Now dentures can be attached to the mouth with dental implants. During this surgery, your periodontist will place dental implants that vary in size depending on the patient’s anatomy. Patients usually can function well with two implants on the lower while more implants are typically needed on the upper as the bone is softer. This is especially beneficial to those that have difficulty wearing dentures due to their sensitive gag reflex. Upper implants allow the roof of the denture to be removed because it is fixed to the upper jaw.

Now for the advantages – not only will wearing dentures become a whole lot less cumbersome, but this  procedure is affordable and minimally invasive. For best and long lasting results, the surgery is performed by a well trained surgical specialist, the periodontist in collaboration with your dentist.

If you are considering dentures to improve your smile, discuss your options with your periodontist. You could be the perfect candidate for implants.

If you would like more information about dental implants, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Springtime: Time for New Beginnings | Chicago Dentist

As the snow begins to thaw and the sun brightens our world on a more consistent basis, we know that springtime is afoot. The planet is beginning to come back to life and thus breathing new life into everything it touches, including us. There is just something about spring that makes us feel like starting over. The winter may have our resolutions, but it’s the spring that makes us really amped to get out and start fresh.

April 19th is National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day, so while you are making your spring cleaning to do list, think about your dental health. It is important take a moment to not only evaluate our current dental hygiene practices, but make sure that our tools are also the most useful products we can have to maintain our pearly whites.

It is a good idea to change out your soft-bristled toothbrush every three months, or after we catch a cold in order to have a clean scrubber that can reach all of your teeth, even those in back. Because we need to brush for at least two minutes twice a day, having a frayed or hard-bristled toothbrush can cause harm to our gums. Not only do you want to keep your teeth clean, but you need to be gentle to your gums in order to prevent damage down the road.

When it comes to floss, toothpaste and mouthwash, these are products that depend on your own taste. If you have questions as to which are best for your particular smile, ask your dentist. Not only do they know which issues you may need to address, but they can also help improve your routine.

If you would like more information about dental hygiene, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

DIY Orthodontics: Dream Come True or Too Good to Be True? | Chicago Dentist

We have all fallen victim to do-it-yourself projects and/or products that seemed incredible “at the time”. And more likely than not, we end up with a frustrated pile of what that project should’ve been or the product we swore was revolutionary up on a dusty shelf.

A popular trend that has slipped its way into our culture is DIY dentistry, but it has progressed further than tying a loose tooth to a door with string. No, now patients are forgoing their dentist and trying to straighten their teeth. The patient takes their own molds or goes to a local facility to have scans taken by non-dental personnel, who then produce clear aligners for their teeth.

Although it may seem like going to the dentist or orthodontist is a thing of the past, take a minute to really think about what is actually going on – it may not be what you think…

Because you do not consult a dentist or orthodontist, you may actually cause more damage because you are unaware of how teeth move. Moving teeth is a slow process and should never be rushed. If moved too quickly, your teeth’s roots may not be able to support biting pressure, in addition to loosened teeth, joint problems and headaches. And though your teeth straighten, if pushed outside of the bone, the result can be extensive gum recession and eventual tooth loss.

It may seem too good to be true, and that’s because it is. Your smile is important and should be taken seriously. Seek competent help and guidance from a well-trained dentist or orthodontist. It may seem like a shortcut, but may end up being more costly than the immediate benefits.

If you would like more information about DIY dentistry, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Flu Season Is No Joke for Our Smiles | Chicago Dentist

During the winter months, it is easy to catch a cold if we aren’t careful. Germs are running rampant and flu season is the worst, especially for a family with little ones that love to share everything, even germs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children can catch a cold as soon as 6 months old. This is why it is important to take extra precautions during this time of year to keep the entire family happy and healthy. So, as we ride out the final months of the dreaded flu season, keep these health tips in mind. After all, taking proactive measures is the key to prevention.

Eat and stay hydrated. Feed a cold, starve a fever is a general rule we all seem to follow, but saliva is one of our best defenses against bacteria. Staying hydrated will cause saliva production to rinse our mouths of these bad bacteria. Eating lots of crunchy foods like apples and carrots also keep our mouths bacteria-free.

No medications before bed. Lots of cold medicines and cough syrups are very sugary and thick in order to coat and soothe our throats. Avoid taking these remedies before bed as the sugar and acids will remain in your mouth, making homes in our teeth’s crevices and causing cavities and other dental issues as we sleep. Instead, opt for a pill form of medication during these times so there is no sugary residue left in your mouth to wreak havoc.

If you would like more information about flu season, call Dr. Peter Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Are Teeth in a Day Possible? | Chicago Dentist

When we have a flawed smile, it causes all sorts of other issues from self-esteem to health issues from the missing teeth. So, off we go to the dentist to find out how our smile can be repaired. Because believe it or not, you can get your grin fixed in a single day. Don’t believe it? May we introduce you to All-on-4 implants in a day. Although this form of treatment has received a significant amount of media attention in the past couple of years, this is a service we have been providing to our patients for some time.

Not sure you are eligible? There are generally two areas where this treatment is an option:

In certain patients with a front tooth that needs to be extracted and there is sufficient bone, the periodontist will remove the tooth and place a temporary implant on the same day. For individuals who are losing all of their teeth, we do a procedure called all on 4 (AO4). Not only is your replacement created in-office, but in six months later, you have the permanent appliance.

Once the periodontist places the implants (4-6 depending on the patient), there are precautions that the patient must take during the initial period to avoid biting on anything hard.

One thing that is not mentioned in the advertising is that in all instances, the immediate teeth are temporary and further work will be required 6 months later to ensure everything is working properly. In addition, the appliances must be kept clean to prevent the tissues from getting infected. The follow up cleaning appointments are typically alternated between the periodontist and the patient’s general dentist.

If you would like more information about All-on-4, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Hard Candy: Should You Eat Them? | Chicago Dentist

When it comes to sweet snacks, what is your favorite go-to? Are you a chocoholic? Is it a stick of gum or a chewy caramel? Do you prefer a hard candy instead? We know that sugary sweets aren’t the healthiest snack to enjoy, but in moderation sweets aren’t bad. The problem is, not all candy is created equal. And since sweet confections are in abundance during the holidays, let’s take a look at which candy is best:

Chocolate. There is hope for all chocolate fans out there – chocolate is actually a great option if you are looking for a bit of sweet. Not only does it have health benefits included in its design, but chocolate is easy to clean off your teeth, making it more difficult for cavity-causing bacteria to thrive.

Caramel. If sticky candy is your favorite, you should be aware that your mouth may not share the same sentiment. Not only does the sticky texture that make up your favorite caramels stick to your teeth’s surface and deep into your teeth’s grooves, but if you have dental work done, it could damage them.

Hard candy. If you have a habit of biting these colorful candies, they can wreak havoc on your teeth and any dental work you may have. But if you tend to suck on them, you allow for the sugars to linger around in your mouth, giving those cavity creeps plenty of time to find the perfect hiding spot in your mouth.

All sugars can stick to the teeth at the level of the gums. This creates an opportunity for bacteria to infect the gums. In areas where the gums have receded, it can also lead to decay on the roots which progresses much more quickly than decay on the teeth. Of course, eating sugary, sticky or hard candy after any surgical procedure can severely compromise healing and can lead to severe infection.

Candy is a fun way to enjoy a bit of sugar when you crave a sugar fix but may not be the best option for your dental health. Enjoy them in moderation and make sure to brush or rinse afterwards.

If you would like more information about hard candy, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Diabetes and Oral Health: Closer than You Think | Chicago Dentist

Diabetes is a disease that runs rampant through our country. So much so, over 29 million Americans suffer from diabetes – and that’s just counting those that have been diagnosed. Because of this, it is no surprise that many of us are focused on keeping ourselves healthy as much as possible. But did you know that diabetes is directly affected by our oral health, and vice versa? It’s true. Diabetes is a disease focused on sugar levels, and sugar is terrible for our oral health. See, how this can become an issue? Our mouths are the main line of defense to many of our illnesses, so if it becomes compromised, our overall health is affected.

November is National Diabetes Month, so to celebrate, let’s take a look at just how closely diabetes and our oral health is linked. One symptom of diabetes is being excessively thirsty. If you are thirsty, you are not producing saliva, the main defense against bacteria. These bacteria are left to create cavities and other dental issues like gum disease. Bleeding and inflamed gums are common symptoms of gum disease and because diabetes make it harder for wounds to heal, you are more susceptible to more issues if left untreated.

Thankfully, your periodontist will be able to help with this cyclical predicament, but it starts with an appointment. By treating gum disease, you are going to help keep your blood sugar levels in check much easier, as gum disease increases these levels but is rarely taken into account. Proper dental hygiene (including dentures), changing bad habits like smoking and poor diet, and in-office deep cleanings will keep your smiles healthy and diabetes in check.

If you would like more information about diabetes, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

Minimally Invasive Procedure in Soft Tissue Grafting | Chicago Dentist

It is important as a dental professional to give our patients the best experience we can, even when it requires a dental procedure that typically doesn’t have the best reputation – gum recession treatment. We are always looking for minimally invasive approaches for the correction of gum recession to ease the comfort of our patients.

Tunneling procedures have been around in periodontics for decades. These procedures are advantageous because small incisions, similar to the ones used in arthroscopic surgery, are also used to complete these procedures.

I had been working on this particular approach to this procedure for several years. In fact, it was featured at the 2015 meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology. The procedure is carried out by way of a few small incisions above the area of recession.

One of the reasons this procedure is an advancement to the treatment of gum recession is because of the recovery time. Typically, gum recession treatment takes a long time to heal and requires additional visits to the dentist for follow-up treatment. With this variation, dissolvable sutures are used to stabilize the area, allowing the patient to return to their daily practices, such as brushing, very quickly. In addition to a speedy recovery time, the ability to place sutures that will dissolve at different rates is beneficial because there is typically no need to have them removed, making additional dental visits required only in the case of complications arising.

Gum recession is just a fact of life. It is nice to know that treatment doesn’t need to be an unpleasant one.

If you would like more information about soft tissue grafting, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit www.perioimplantchicago.com.

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.