How to Detect Gum Recession at Home | Chicago Dentist

Gum recession is a condition where the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, exposing the tooth roots. Early detection is crucial to prevent further damage and address the issue effectively. While a dental professional can provide a comprehensive diagnosis, there are several signs you can look for at home to determine if your gums may be receding.

1. Increased Tooth Sensitivity

One of the most common indicators of gum recession is increased sensitivity in the teeth. If you experience discomfort or pain when consuming hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks, it might be a sign that your gums are receding and exposing the sensitive roots of your teeth.

2. Visible Tooth Roots

Examine your teeth in the mirror for any signs of visible tooth roots. If you notice that the area around the base of your teeth appears longer or that the tooth roots are becoming more prominent, this could indicate that your gums are receding.

3. Gum Line Changes

Pay attention to changes in your gum line. If you see that your gum line is uneven or if there are noticeable gaps between your gums and teeth, it may be a sign of gum recession. This can sometimes be observed as the gums appear to pull away from the teeth, revealing more of the tooth surface.

4. Bleeding Gums

Receding gums can sometimes lead to gum inflammation and bleeding, particularly when brushing or flossing. If you notice that your gums bleed easily or become swollen and tender, it could be an indication of gum recession or another underlying gum condition.

5. Bad Breath

Persistent bad breath, or halitosis, can be associated with gum recession. As the gum tissue recedes, pockets may form around the teeth where bacteria can accumulate, leading to an unpleasant odor.

6. Changes in Tooth Alignment

If you observe that your teeth seem to be shifting or becoming loose, this could be a result of gum recession. The supporting structure of the teeth is compromised as the gum tissue recedes, which can affect tooth stability and alignment.

7. Receding Gums in Different Areas

Gum recession may not be uniform. Check different areas of your mouth to see if the recession is occurring in specific regions, such as along the front teeth or molars.


Detecting gum recession at home involves paying attention to changes in tooth sensitivity, visible tooth roots, gum line alterations, bleeding, bad breath, and tooth alignment. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to consult with a dental professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment. Early intervention can help prevent further damage and maintain your overall oral health. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices are essential for preventing and managing gum recession.

If you would like more information about soft tissue grafting, or the pinhole technique, call Dr. Cabrera in Chicago, IL at 312-994-7939 or visit

Dr. Cabrera proudly serves Chicago and all surrounding areas.

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